Forgive your Mistakes

Can you remove the shackles of your past mistakes and move forward?
  •  When you’ve made an error that gets you down, take out a sheet of paper and write down exactly what happened.
  •   Assess why you made the mistake. What were the causes? How many of them were within your control?
  •   Think about the problems or pain created by the error and who might suffer.’
  •   Apologize and seek forgiveness quickly from people who may have suffered as a result of your mistake.
  •   If your guilt is consuming you, seek professional guidance.   
  • Recognize the benefits of the mistake. What good has come out of it? If nothing else, you have learned a valuable lesson for your future behavior.
  •   Remember that a mistake reflects your performance in a particular situation under a particular set of circumstances. It is not a statement about you. You have the power to change your performance in the future.

Giving Good Advice

Whether the subject is friends or school/college there’s always going to be someone who feels they have the perfect solution to your problems.And they’re likely to insist on telling you what it is. It’s human behavior at its compulsive best.
We all do it. Think back to the last time you offered some suggestions, commonly known as advice. And it works both ways.Friends, family; even strangers often offer their words of wisdom to whoever crosses their path.
Why do we like reading advice columns? Why do we give advice? How should we do it, and when should we not? Well here’s some advice....
“I used to be my friend’s worst enemy, “admits reformed advice-giver shanti,18.”I thought everyone would be better if they just took my advice. I was always telling my friends what cloths looked good on them and how they should handle their parents or their parent or their friends. But in the end, people stopped wanting to talk to me.”
* Real Advice-This may happen to all advice-givers. So be careful! Parents especially guilty of advice-giving .By trying to save their kids from to save their kids from the troubles they’ve already experienced, they can sometimes overdo it by telling their children what to do. But, believe it or not parents do offer a lot of good advice.
* Good Advice-How should you respond when a friend comes to you for advice? The important things are not to judge and to be understanding. Remember that you can ever really know what it’s like to be in another person’s shoes. And if someone is turning to you for advice about something serious-like if a friend confides that she has an eating disorder –encourage her to turn to her parents or a trusted adult. Certain friend should hand over to an expert.
* Male/Female Advice-Do males and females differ in their tendencies to give advice? Only in manner and subject, the experts say. Females, especially mothers are typically turned to for advice. And women may be better able to give good advice in certain circumstances because they are socialized to appreciate anguish and doubt, and thus to offer compassion. Females are also more likely to give feeling –oriented advice, while guys, who are often trained to be instrumental and problem solvers, might be more likely to jump in and find practical solutions. People who always have advice to give have a need to feel powerful.
* Unwanted Advice-They have a need to change people, and a need to change their environment in order to live in it. In fact, the people who are the most in doubt about their own decisions are usually the most free about dishing out advice. The people who are most sure of their own existence, who are most secure in their choices, will have the least advice to give.Advice,especially unsolicited advice, is not only often unneeded and unwanted, it is usually inappropriate. Polite people only have one reason to give advice –because they’ve been asked. The reverse is also true. Impolite people give advice because they have not been asked. Advice requested or not, often falls on deaf ears.
* Useless Advice-The exchange of advice can be a part of social support. It can be a sweet piece of interaction; a valued part of life .The key is in the delivery. The best form of advice often comes in the form of listening. Most people already know the answers to their problems; Psychologists say .The just needs help in clarifying the solution and in learning to trust their gut feelings. Sometimes the very best”advice”you can give centers around not saying a word .Acting as a sounding board for a friend in need is often the most helpful role you can take on.
It is an awesome responsibility to give advice. There is not only one solution-there can be many, and it’s risky to offer any advice because you never know the whole story.

Go Ahead And Cry

We all cry for many reasons-out of unhappiness,frustration,anger,or even out of joy or laughter.But the next time you have a good cry,don’t feel  ashamed.Instead about yourself.
Crying is one of the best things you can do  for your body and your mind,Do not believe it?Keep reading.It is a powerful release.Why does crying feel so good?Psychologist says"Crying is an important emotional release that afterward leaves you feeling calmer and better able to put a problem into perspective."

    * Never Hold Your Tears-This is also good to hold in your tears.”Then the feeling build up so much,they start to overwhelm you and a problem may seem bigger than it really is."Crying also feels good because it rids your body of excess tension.Afterward you feel as relaxed as if you had been soaking in a warm tub".
    *  Crying is a way of communicating-Many psychologists believe that crying is one of the most powerful communication tools you have.
    *  Crying Gets Message Across-Crying lets another person know they have hurt you,that they have gone too far,or that something is very meaningful to you.Sometimes tears say even more than words especially as many people have such trouble putting their feelings into words.
    *  Controlling Crying-Of course even with all the benefits of crying ,there are some times you do not want to break down in tears.Like in class,or around people you don’t know well.However if you gotta cry,you gotta cry.About the only thing you can do to block the tears is to try to focus your mind on something other than what is making you want to cry.

But remember even if you do cry,do not feel bad.If everyone else knew about all the benefits of crying,they had want to cry,too!!!!

Fight But Fair

Anyone living in a total fight –free zone is probably doing a lot of giving in,while people who live for the fight are missing what life’s  really all about .Some top tips for fighting and winning.
•    Choose Your  Battles Wisely – Put any potential fight on a “cost benefit scale”to weigh what you’ll  win by standing up-or lose by backing down.
•    Listen UP-If  you are yelling  at the top of your lungs,you won’t be able to hear where others are coming from.
•    Tune Into Your Own Emotions-Sometimes confronting others is a way of  avoiding confronting things about yourself you’d rather not face.
•    Stick With The Facts-Your friend’s late,your dad’s tactless or the teacher is incorrect.”Discuss what happened,”says a psychologist,”not what you think motivated it”.
•    Avoid Name Calling-Stay away from “you always” or “you never “ or criticisms of the other persons character .Instead explain how they did,made you feel so.
•    Speak Calmly-Yelling can get you even more upset,meaning you can not  think or talk-straight.
•    Create  A Win-Win Outcome-Since compromise usually gives the best value on that cost/benefit scale,aim for a solution that meets some of the needs  of both of you.

Smile is So Important

  • A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside.
    Life is short but a smile takes barely a second.
     Every tear has a smile behind it.
     A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.
  •  A good neighbor is a fellow who smiles at you over the back fence, but doesn't climb over it.
  • If you see a friend without a smile; give him one of yours.
  • A smile starts on the lips, A grin spreads to the eyes, A chuckle comes from the belly; But a good laugh bursts forth from the soul, Overflows, and bubbles all around
  •  Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.
  •  Too often we underestimate the power of a smile, which have the potential to turn a life around.
  •  Smiles are the language of love.
  •  The real man smile in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.
  •  A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks
  •  All people smile in the same language.
  •  Children smile on the average 400 times /day; Adults: 15 times/day. Ever wonder why?
  •  A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.
If I thought that a smile of mine, might linger the whole day through and lighten some heart with a heavier part, I'd not withhold it -- Would you? ??

Smile because God gave Human this beautiful gift - A Smile....I sometimes wonder do animals have this beautiful gift of smiling???
Smile, not because it costs you or not, but because you can make someone smile and make their day So Smileeeeeee please :-)) ...... Hmmm... Good, looks very good, infact suits you the best :-)



Tips for avoid Shyness

Shyness, which affects most people at some time in their life and it, seems to continue into adult life if it has become a habit. It has its roots in awkward and shows as people mature and become more experienced.

  • Discover what makes you think shy.
  • Make your self-assurance.
  • Find comfortable Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you, and build up your confidence through them.
  • Close your eyes and visualize a circumstance where you might be shy.
  • Keep close bonds with your friends.
  • Look and act friendly. Communicate an open, responsive attitude with your body language.
  • Smile and make eye contact.
  • Practice good posture and speaking clearly.
  • Laugh often, but only at things you find really amusing.
  • Don't look fearful.
  • Don't work on papers, text or do your make-up if you want someone to talk to you.
  • Set goals for yourself. Focus on small, daily happenings, and then gradually become more daring.
  • Make a list of situations that make you feel anxious.
  • Introduce yourself to one new person each day.
  • Make new friends. Try to find people who share one or more of your interests and find excuses to talk to them.
  • Try doing stuff you never dreamed you would.
  • Don't compare yourself to others.
  • Follow the rules, but don't overdo it - You should actually let yourself go out of the box a bit and loosen up.

Positive Attitude Overcome Negative Thoughts

Your feelings and emotions influence all aspects of your life day by day. That learning from your “internal words” will help you identify thought patterns and how they may be upsetting the means you handle the situations of daily living.
Positive attitude helps to manage this situation easily. It brings confidence into your life, and avoids fret and negative thinking. If you implement it as a way of life, it will bring practical changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more victorious.
Positive thoughts manifest in the following ways:
    * Positive thoughts.
    * Practical thinking.
    * Imaginative thinking.
    * Expecting success.
    * Confidence.
    * Inspiration to accomplish your goals.
    * Being encouraged.
    * Choosing Cheerfulness.
    * Study failure and evils as blessings in cloak.
    * Trust in yourself and in your abilities.
    * Displaying self-respect and self-reliance.
    * Looking for solutions.
    * Seeing opportunities.

The settlement of a positive thought:
    * Helps achieving goals and getting success.
    * Success achieved faster and more easily.
    * Get more pleasure.
    * Get more inner power and strength.
    * The ability to inspire and encourage yourself and others.
    * Fewer difficulties encountered along your way.
    * The capability to defeat any difficulty.
    * Life smiles at you.
    * People respect you.

 Developing Positive Attitude:
    * Wish to be happy.
    * See the vivid side of life.
    * Prefer to be and live hopeful.
    * Discover reasons to smile more often.
    * Trust yourself and in the Power of the Universe.
    * Study upon the uselessness of negative thinking and worries.
    * Link yourself with happy people.
    * Read exciting stories.
    * Read exciting quotes.
    * Learn attention and meditation.

You can not achieve any thing by negative attitude but you can get all success in your life by positive attitude.If you want to avoid negative thoughts, failure and difficulties, now it is the right time to change the way you think and lead your happy and successful life.