Tips for avoid Shyness

Shyness, which affects most people at some time in their life and it, seems to continue into adult life if it has become a habit. It has its roots in awkward and shows as people mature and become more experienced.

  • Discover what makes you think shy.
  • Make your self-assurance.
  • Find comfortable Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you, and build up your confidence through them.
  • Close your eyes and visualize a circumstance where you might be shy.
  • Keep close bonds with your friends.
  • Look and act friendly. Communicate an open, responsive attitude with your body language.
  • Smile and make eye contact.
  • Practice good posture and speaking clearly.
  • Laugh often, but only at things you find really amusing.
  • Don't look fearful.
  • Don't work on papers, text or do your make-up if you want someone to talk to you.
  • Set goals for yourself. Focus on small, daily happenings, and then gradually become more daring.
  • Make a list of situations that make you feel anxious.
  • Introduce yourself to one new person each day.
  • Make new friends. Try to find people who share one or more of your interests and find excuses to talk to them.
  • Try doing stuff you never dreamed you would.
  • Don't compare yourself to others.
  • Follow the rules, but don't overdo it - You should actually let yourself go out of the box a bit and loosen up.