Avoid mere parrot –like repetition. Look up the meaning of words in a dictionary if necessary. There has always been a demand for easy ways to things, and learning has not escaped. The world wants an easy way to o the knowledge. None has so far been discovered. But thanks to the researches of educationists and psychologists and practices have been discovered that ease the process of learning considerably.
- Little and often is preferable....If you have a fortnight to learn a part in a play, for instance, you would do better to spend 15 minutes a day at it than two periods of one-and-three-quarter hours. One reason for this is that attention wanders after a reasonable time. Another is that the brain goes on “ticking over “or “digging “material for some time after the conscious mind is taken off it.
- Learn in Whole rather than in part.....If a long poem has to be learned, for instance, keep reading it in its entirety rather than conceal time, bunt rating on two or four lines at a time. If the work is very long, divide it into manageable sections, tackling one at a time, but as a whole.
- Understand what you wish to learn.....Avoid mere parrot-like repetition. Look up the meaning of words in a dictionary if necessary. It is a great help also to rewrite the lesson in your own words. Another helpful device is to simplify .Go carefully through the matter underlining the key phrases. This will enable you to get a clear grasp of the main argument.
- Concentrate.....Focus the whole attention. Try to shut out all distractions.You’ll never master a difficult point with the radio on. Refrain from looking out of the window or tickling under the chin, preferably work alone. See also that there is adequate light.
- The Will To Learn....Let us develop more of an aggressive spirit in our studies. Attack them.”I’m going to master this at every cost!”that is the spirit which succeeds. Difficulties wilt before such an attitude.
- Recitation or Repetition.....Repetition, Nevertheless, remains a useful and necessary factor in learning. The repetition may be audible, sub-vocal or slient.But bear in mind at all times that repetition, without the full attention and the will to learn, is practically useless.
- Maintain Interest......A powerful stimulant to interest is to visualise the advantages and rewards that success will bring. This is a wise use of imagination so long as it is reinforced by hard work.
- Have a Time limit.....Work to a schedule and keep the dateline well to the fore. This will act as a constant goad to effort and concentration.
- Use the Subject-Matter......If possible make use of what you want to learn. For example, if you want to increase your vocabulary, besides making list of new words as you come across them, use them in conversation as soon as possible.
- Use modern aids......Films,film-strips,charts,illustrations,CDs,models,museums,libraries
- Appropriate, societies, public lectures, discussion, groups, the radio and television-all these are possible avenues of knowledge and help us in the learning-process.
- Test yourself....This will reveal your progress. It may be little, and you should let encourage you. Say to yourself ,”I may be far from mastering this subject,but at least I know more of it than I did three months ago.”
- Comparison helps....If possible you should compare your performance with others of similar ability. This will give you encouragement and boost your confidence.